Gabe with HeadphonesTake a moment and make a mental list of all the times you hear music throughout your day. Many of you listen to music in the car, possibly at work, while exercising and in your home. It is a large part of our daily lives and it has the ability to excite us, help us focus and even to calm us. Recent studies have found that while music can affect us, it can also affect our pets. By using music, many of you at home have the ability to aid in the recovery or healing of your pets. A research study found that music can mask sudden, distressing noises that could negatively impact your pet’s recovery and well-being. While research has not identified what specific genre is generally most effective, it is agreed upon by researchers that when using music to relax an animal, softer and relaxing music is more effective (classical) compared to the genres of pop and heavy metal. The use of other sounds, such as static or white noise has also proven to have beneficial effect on an animal’s recovery period compared to a specific genre.

One must use caution, however, when implementing music during the recovery process of their pet. While it has the ability to expedite the process of healing through relaxation, it also has the ability to over stimulate and possible induce more stress. Studies found that noise such as loud radio music at 70-80 decibels had a negative effect on dogs’ blood glucose levels. Many researchers urge pet-owners to keep the level of noise around or below 60 decibels, which is equivalent to low conversation. Here at Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital, we want what’s best for you and your pets. In order to ensure the most comfortable environment for your pet, we will be implementing the use of music and other white noise in our recovery area to create a calm, warm and relaxing space during your pet’s post-surgical recovery experience – Abigail R. Hanlon, Music Therapy Major, Marywood University.