
Celebrating the Bond Between You and Your Pet

 We know you love your pet and we appreciate the time and devotion involved with being a good pet owner.  That’s why we now offer the Pet Wellness Report®. The Pet Wellness Report® provides a more complete picture of your pet’s health and takes just 10 minutes to complete prior to your senior wellness exam in the comfort of your home. Call us today at 610.367.4744 to schedule your pet’s exam. This can help you better understand your pet’s health and enable you to work with your veterinarian to provide the best possible care.

The Pet Health Questionnaire

The questionnaire takes advantage of your close relationship with your pet to help predict or identify potential issues early. The questionnaire asks questions that provide background on your pet in the following areas:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Weight management
  • Oral and dental health
  • Nutrition
  • Heartworm and heart health
  • Kidney and other organ health
  • General safety
  • Risk from diseases, some of which may be preventable by vaccination

The questionnaire also calculates your pet’s approximate age in ‘human’ years. It gives you a unique chance to share detailed information about your pet with your veterinarian that you may not have the opportunity (or always remember) to discuss during a regular exam.

 Pet Wellness Report®

Your pet’s individualized report includes the results of the online health and lifestyle questionnaire all in and easy to understand language.  It provides:

  •  Health information and recommendations tailored to your pet’s needs.
  •  An evaluation of your pet’s risk level for certain serious medical conditions.
  •  The opportunity for you and your veterinarian to discuss the best options for your pet.

Call us to make an appointment for your pet to receive the Pet Wellness Report®, or if you have any questions.  Once your report is complete, you can access your pet’s report online at any time!

Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital Team

“It gives you peace of mind. . . knowing you have done everything you can so you don’t lose them even a day early.”

Pet Parent